→→ Projects

→ Sociotechnical Security, Vulnerabilities, and Cybersecurity Policy

Related to my work on privacy and data protection, I am fascinated by the notion of sociotechnical security and vulnerabilities in the context of computing. If technology is an extension of our social interactions, what does it mean for a community to be secure?

Byte Magazine, Vol. 4, No. 1

The phrase ‘sociotechnical security’ is not my own; I personally heard it first through discussions with a friend, Matt Goerzen — who’s written a fabulous co-authored piece on the topic, which explores vulnerabilities and security in the context of social media platforms and the communities most often in need of protection.

Another core aspect of my work on cybersecurity explores how the law can be improved to better protect computer hackers who work to protect our privacy. I’ve been working at these intersections and on the topic of cybersecurity since 2015, when I also began working on privacy and data protection after working for Prof. Gabriella Coleman.



  • MC Forelle, Sarah Myers West, Britt Paris & Yuan Stevens. Choosing to Refuse, Repair or Render Asunder in Technological Practice, Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), 2021 

    Presentation: Hacker, Pieceworker, Labor Organizer? Commodification and Resistance in the Bug Bounty Industry

  • Ryan Ellis & Yuan Stevens. ‘No More Free Bugs’: The History, Organization, and Implications of the Market for Software Vulnerabilities, Data & Society Research Institute, 2018

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