→→ Projects

→ Privacy Rights, Data Protection, and Fundamental Freedoms

Byte Magazine, Vol. 0, No. 9

I have devoted my academic and advisory work to protecting privacy and data protection since 2014/2015. 

That was the year I first read in-depth about the Snowden leaks. In 2015, I participated in my first digital security training for human rights activists and I began my work as a research assistant for hacker anthropologist Prof. Gabriella Coleman.

When we guard privacy and ensure data protection, we enable the protection of other fundamental rights and freedoms.



    • Age Assurance: Let Me Reassure You? RightsCon, Hosted by EDRi’s Ella Jakubkowska, 2023

    • Nani Jansen Reventlow, Nele Achten & Yuan Stevens. Fuchsia Privacy Salon: Law, Technology and Policy, Google, 2021

    In The News

    Workshops and Roundtables

      • Debating the Right Balances for Privacy Law in Canada Roundtable Discussion, Public Policy Forum, 2021